What's Your Name? Workshop

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Session Description: ‘What’s Your Name?’ focuses on getting to know each other through fun and engaging icebreakers. You will leave this workshop with a personalized name tag, an elevator speech that is authentic to you and with some new skills for meeting other advocates.

Learning objectives:

Upon completion of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Create a name tag and elevator speech that is authentic to you (Story of Self/Personal Narrative)
  • Utilize your elevator speech to further advocate or lead workshops for others (Purpose/Meaningful contribution)
  • Connect with others by finding and voicing your story in a small group and being present for or hearing the stories of others (Attachment & Connectedness)

Session outline:

  • 2m / Introduction & Overview
  • 3m / Real Story
  • 23m / Activity: Good to Meet You
  • 10m / Discussion: What’s an Elevator Speech?
  • 20m / Activity: Creating an Elevator Speech
  • 2m / Wrap-up

Slides: Included (optional - not required for presentation)

Reproducible handouts included:

  • Creating an Authentic Elevator Speech


For more information about SPARK curriculum and the evidence behind it, visit www.fosterclub.org/SPARK

Download of this Curriculum provides a license for ONE TRAINER to deliver the training an unlimited amount of times to young people in foster care. See our License Agreement for details.