Session Description: Good grades and test scores may get a student into university, but then what? Where will the drive and innovation come from when the right answer is not enough? How can you become engaged in your learning and find independence from reward? Can you really try to change the odds, and is it even worth it? This workshop focuses on developing intrinsic motivation when it comes to learning and how to, well, beat the odds.
Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this workshop participants will be able to:
Articulate internal motivators and begin to engage those motivators to improve daily living (Story of Self/Personal Narrative)
Recognize the value of cultivating an academic work ethic with peers and supportive adults (Attachment & Connectedness)
Understand and articulate what it takes to attain long-term employment or higher education (Self-Regulation)
Session outline:
- 5m / Introduction & Overview
- 5m / Real Story
- 20m / Activity: Intrinsic V. Extrinsic Motivation
- 20m / Discussion: What Motivates You?
- 5m / Wrap-up
Slides: Included (optional - not required for presentation)
Kahoot!: Internal V. External Motivation
Reproducible handouts included:
- Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic Motivators
For more information about SPARK curriculum and the evidence behind it, visit www.fosterclub.org/SPARK
Download of this Curriculum provides a license for ONE TRAINER to deliver the training an unlimited amount of times to young people in foster care. See our License Agreement for details.