Session Description: Life can be challenging for LGBTQ+ youth and being in foster care only increases the likelihood of struggle. ‘Queer in Care’ focuses on self-advocacy and building awareness for LGBTQ+ youth, while emphasizing the risk factors that LGBTQ+ youth face when they are in or connected to the Child Welfare System.
Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this workshop participants will be able to:
- Gain skills to better your advocacy and awareness through understanding of the terms, definitions and experiences of LGBTQ+ youth in care (Purpose/Meaningful contribution)
- Learn how to speak up for the needs of all youth in care, especially when it comes to placements (Attachment & Connectedness)
- Develop knowledge of the risk or harm for LGBTQ+ youth in care (Knowledge of System)
Session outline:
- 3m / Introduction & Overview
- 2m / Real Story
- 17m / Activity: The Facts
- 10m / Discussion: Self-Advocate Asks
- 25m / Activity: My Voice Matters
- 3m / Wrap-up
Slides: Included (optional - not required for presentation)
Original Workshop Creator: 2020 All-Star Cyphrian Daud (check out his bio!)
For more information about SPARK curriculum and the evidence behind it, visit www.fosterclub.org/SPARK
Download of this Curriculum provides a license for ONE TRAINER to deliver the training an unlimited amount of times to young people in foster care. See our License Agreement for details.